We broke new ground on women’s employment in Avcilar Municipality. We employed women in our Transportation Services Directorate for the first time in the municipality’s history.
Thanks to our reading/writing courses and vocational courses approved by the Ministry of National Education, women could participate in the production and generate income through the products they produced in the handicraft courses, contributing to their household economy.
We established the Women’s Counseling Center for the purposes of informing, empowering and supporting women in Avcilar and providing legal and psychological counseling to women subjected to physical, psychological and sexual violence.
As Avcilar Municipality we are working with all our power for an equal and peaceful life in Avcilar for each of the 450 thousand Avcilar citizens.
After establishing the fact that families are having troubles with accessing childcare services which is a source of stress forcing primary caregivers, mostly women, out of the workforce, we launched this program to support these families and remove this source of stress and continue building a Children’s Home for every neighborhood where children can show their skills and creativity, build healthy relationships and enrich their lives.